A 10th Class girl student was allegedly gang-raped by her male classmates on the outskirts of Hyderabad. The heinous crime, which reportedly happened at the victim’s house in YSR Colony of Thatti Annaram within the Hayatnagar limits, came to light on Tuesday, evoking widespread outrage and angry calls for stringent punishment for the perpetrators.
It was however not immediately clear when the alleged gang-rape incident took place. According to reports, an unspecified number of 10th Class students barged into the victim’s house and gang-raped her. The students also allegedly filmed the entire heinous act on a smartphone and forwarded the video to their friends.
They even reportedly threatened the minor girl that they would post the video on social media if she revealed the incident to anyone. Reports also claim that the victim was again gang-raped after 10 days as the culprits kept blackmailing her with the video. Based on a complaint from the parents of the victim, the local police registered a case against the accused under the stringent POCSO Act.