New Delhi, November 25: The Central Government released an amount of Rs. 17,000 crore to States/UTs on 24.11.2022 towards the balance GST compensation for the period April to June, 2022 (Statewise details as per Table below).
The total amount of compensation released to the States/UTs so far, including the aforesaid amount, during the year 2022-23 is Rs.1,15,662 crore. Assam got Rs.192 crore as GST compensation.
This is despite the fact that total Cess collection till October, 2022 is only Rs.72,147 crore and the balance of Rs. 43,515 crore is beingreleased by the Centre from its own resources.
With this release, the Centre has released, in advance, the entire amount of Cessestimated to be collected this year till March-end available for payment of compensation to States.
This decision was taken to assist the States in managing their resources and ensuring that their programmes especially the expenditure on capital is carried out successfully during the financial year.