The political arena in Assam was rocked by tragedy as Indrani Tahbildar, a well-respected woman leader of the state BJP, reportedly ended her life following the circulation of intimate photos featuring her and another senior party politician. The incident, which occurred on a fateful Friday night in Guwahati’s Bamunimaidam area, has cast a shadow over the BJP and the community at large.
Indrani Tahbildar was not only a dedicated member of the BJP but also held the position of Vice President in the Chamber of Commerce. Her active involvement in the political sphere was further evidenced by her role as the cherished figure of the Kisan Morcha. However, recent events have turned her life and reputation upside down.
Reports suggest that Tahbildar had been entangled in an extramarital affair with a fellow BJP leader, who was living as a tenant in her house. Images depicting the alleged couple were leaked online, leading to public outrage and scrutiny. It is believed that the distress caused by the circulation of these intimate pictures may have prompted Tahbildar to take the extreme step of ending her own life.
Central Guwahati’s Deputy Commissioner of Police, Dipak Choudhury, commented on the ongoing investigation, stating, “The police are investigating the incident. It was considered an unnatural death and a probe has been launched.” While no formal complaints have been received regarding the leaked photos, authorities are thoroughly exploring every aspect of the situation.
In a bid to uncover the truth behind this tragedy, Indrani Tahbildar’s body has been sent to the Guwahati Medical College and Hospital for post-mortem examination. As the investigation progresses, society is forced to grapple with the broader issues of privacy, cyberbullying, and the emotional toll of online actions on individuals.