The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, embarked on a two-day tour of the Northeast region to attend the swearing-in ceremonies of the newly elected Chief Ministers of Assam and Manipur. On his visit, the Prime Minister also took the opportunity to attend a cabinet meeting in Assam.
During his visit to Assam, the Prime Minister met with Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma and other members of the cabinet. They discussed a wide range of issues related to the development of the state, including infrastructure, education, health, and agriculture. The Prime Minister appreciated the efforts of the Assam government in improving the state’s economy and lauded the state’s role in contributing to the development of the Northeast region.
The Prime Minister also interacted with the people of Assam and addressed a gathering in the city of Guwahati. In his speech, he reiterated his government’s commitment to the development of the Northeast region and announced several new initiatives aimed at improving the lives of the people.
The Prime Minister’s visit to the Northeast region was seen as a significant gesture of the government’s commitment to the development of the region. The Northeast region has long been neglected in terms of development, and the Prime Minister’s visit was seen as a step towards addressing this issue.
Overall, the Prime Minister’s visit to the Northeast region was a resounding success. It demonstrated the government’s commitment to the development of the region and provided an opportunity for the Prime Minister to interact with the people and the government of Assam.