Polimera 2 is a Telugu horror thriller film directed by Anil Vishwanath. The film stars Satyam Rajesh, Kamakshi Bhaskarla, Baladitya, and Getup Srinu in the lead roles. The film is a sequel to the 2022 film Polimera.
The film begins with an investigation by a new SI, Ravindra Naidu (Raakesh Muddu), into the death of a village sarpanch. The investigation leads him to a young man named Jangayya (Baladitya), who is suspected of being involved in the sarpanch’s death. Jangayya is found dead, but his body is missing.
The film then shifts to the past, where we see the events leading up to Jangayya’s death. We learn that Jangayya’s brother, Komuri (Satyam Rajesh), is a black magic practitioner. Komuri is responsible for the deaths of several people in the village, including the sarpanch.
The film is full of twists and turns, and it will keep you guessing until the very end. The acting is top-notch, and the cinematography is beautiful. The film is a must-see for fans of horror thrillers.
- Satyam Rajesh as Komuri
- Kamakshi Bhaskarla as Lakshmi
- Getup Srinu as Baali
- Baladitya as Jangayya
- Raamya as Komuri’s wife
- Ravi Varma as Narasimha
- Jayaprakash Reddy as Sarpanch
Release Date
Polimera 2 was released in theaters on November 3, 2023.
The trailer for Polimera 2 was released on October 20, 2023. The trailer was well-received by audiences, and it generated a lot of excitement for the film.