One more prime accused in the Dibrugarh University ragging case surrendered before the police on Saturday morning. The accused has been identified as Kalyan Dutta. As per sources, Dutta was one of the accused who has involved in the ragging case of Dibrugarh University in PNGB hostel, which led Anand Sharma, a commerce student of the university to jump off the second floor of his hostel building on November 27.
It is alleged that Sharma resorted to the step as he was fed up with being ragged by his seniors. Following the incident, Dutta was on absconding. Earlier on Friday, taking to his social media handle, Dutta went live and said, “As per the wishes of his father, lord Ramchandra went into exile (vanvas), and I am also not residing in the comforts of a home with family.
For me, this resembles as vanvas.” “I promise to surrender myself but before that I request you all to find proof against me if I have done anything wrong,” he further added.With Dutta’s arrest, so far at least seven students were arrested by state police in the DU ragging case. The varsity rusticated over 20 students, has expelled four students for three years for allegedly ragging Sharma.
However, the prime accused Rahul Chetry, a former student of DU, continued to evade police arrest six days after the unfortunate incident came to light. Meanwhile, victim Anand Sharma continued to be under medical supervision and was reportedly stable. He underwent surgery of his spinal cord recently.