Assam Career: Office of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Tinsukia has released an advertisement for the recruitment of Head Assistant in the establishment of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Tinsukia
Post Name: Head Assistant
Salary: Band-3 and in the scale of pay of Rs.22, OO0 – 97,OOO with Grade Pay of
Rs.1O,3O0/- per month plus other allowances as admissible as per rules.
The eligibility and criteria for selection shall be on the basis of provision of Rule-6(1) of the Assam Chief Judicia! Magistrates Establishment
(Ministerial) Service Rules, L987.
The candidates, those who have serued as Upper Division Assistant at least 10 (Ten) years of seruice as such to their credit including Supervisory Assistant in any Chief Judicial Magistrate Establishment (Ministerial) within the State of Assam as on 01.01.2023
Applicants to drop applications in the assigned drop-box at the Office of the undersigned or to send the application through registered post.
No TA/DA for the journey for appearing in interview/Viva-voce etc. is admissible.
List of eligible candidates and the date of interview will be uploaded in the official website of Tinsukia District Judiciary