Bollywood actress Rani Mukherjee celebrated her 45th birthday on March 21, 2023, with a visit to the Kamakhya Temple in Guwahati. Accompanied by her family members, Mukherjee sought blessings from Maa Kamakhya and offered special prayers at the temple.
The visit came just a day after the release of her latest movie, ‘Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway’, which is based on Sagarrika Chakaraborty’s book ‘The Journey of a Mother’. Inspired by a true story, the emotional drama portrays a mother’s fight against a country to regain custody of her children.
Mukherjee, one of the most celebrated actors in Bollywood, made her debut in 1996 with the film ‘Raja Ki Ayegi Baraat’. However, it was her role in ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’ that catapulted her to fame and commercial success.
Her last appearance on the big screen was in ‘Bunty Aur Babli 2’, where she starred alongside Saif Ali Khan, Siddhant Chaturvedi, and Sharvari Wagh. As Mukherjee celebrates her birthday, fans can look forward to more iconic performances from this talented actress.