Bhupendra Patel of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), will take the oath as the Gujarat’s Chief Minister for a second time on Monday in Gandhinagar. At 2 pm, Governor Acharya Devvrat will swear in Patel as the 18th Chief Minister at the Helipad Ground close to the new Secretariat in Gandhinagar.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, and Chief Ministers of BJP-led states will all be present at the ceremony. According to sources, in addition to Bhupendra Patel, roughly 20 cabinet members would also take the oath on the same day and assume responsibility for their various offices the following day.
The BJP gained a massive 156 seats in the Gujarat Assembly election, the most seats any party has taken home since the state was formed in 1960.The BJP’s victory in Gujarat’s seventh straight Assembly election marks the party’s largest victory since the state was created in 1960.
The BJP’s resounding victory in Gujarat demonstrates the populace’s unwavering confidence in Patel’s leadership. In the 182-member Assembly, the BJP won 156 seats, marking its highest-ever electoral performance in the state. Only 17 seats were available for the opposition Congress, and only 5 seats were available for Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party.