‘Airtel 5G Plus’: Bharti Airtel, India’s largest telecommunications company, announced the launch of fifth-generation mobile (Airtel 5G Plus) services in Guwahati on Monday. Airtel 5G Plus services will be made available to customers in stages as the service provider continues to build its network and complete the roll-out.
Customers with 5G-enabled devices will have access to the high-speed Airtel 5G Plus network at no extra cost until the rollout is more widespread, according to the company. Bharti Airtel announced on Monday that it has launched the latest 5G services in Guwahati, the Northeast’s gateway city.
Presently operating normally on G S Road, at Guwahati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Dispur College, Ganeshguri, Christian Basti, Sree Nagar, Zoo Road, Lachit Nagar, Ulubari, Bhangagarh and Beltola, and a few other select locations, the company stated that Airtel would augment its network in due course, making its services available across the city.
“I am thrilled to announce the launch of Airtel 5G Plus in Guwahati,” said Rajnish Verma, Chief Executive Officer, Bharti Airtel for Assam and the North-East. Airtel customers can now enjoy ultrafast network speeds that are 20-30 times faster than current 4G speeds.
We are illuminating the entire city by providing customers with superfast access to high-definition video streaming, gaming, multiple chatting, instant photo uploading, and more.”The ‘Airtel 5G Plus’ services will be made available to customers in stages as the company continues to build its network and complete the rollout, according to a statement from Bharti Airtel.