Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance (ABSLI) has introduced a new savings solution, ABSLI Nishchit Aayush Plan, to provide long-term savings benefits and financial security to policy holders. The plan is a non-linked, non-participating life insurance policy that offers guaranteed regular income and a lump-sum benefit at maturity.
Policyholders can choose between single premium or regular premium payments for a limited duration, and customise their plans according to their needs. The plan offers flexibility and integrates financial protection and wealth creation, empowering policyholders to fulfil their liquidity requirements without any risk.
With the maximum entry age of 55 years and a minimum annualised premium of Rs 30,000, the ABSLI Nishchit Aayush Plan provides a choice of income benefits, multiple income variants, premium payment terms, policy terms, and deferment periods.