Guwahati, March 18: Guwahati Police has apprehended three people, including a woman, on charges of honey-trapping a temple priest and blackmailing him with obscene videos. The trio, identified as Pramod Tiwari, Rajni Kothari, and Bhavojit Sen, were detained on suspicion of luring the victim, Bhagirathi Shastri, into video calls on WhatsApp and recording the interactions.
The woman then blackmailed the priest for money, threatening to leak the videos and photos on social media if he did not comply. Fearing damage to his reputation, the priest filed a complaint with the Fatasil Police Station and an FIR was registered against the gang.
The honey trapping gang demanded a sum of Rs. 5 lakh from the priest and also sent obscene videos to him to extort money. The suspects are currently being interrogated at the Fatasil Ambari police station. Pramod Tiwari and Rajni Kothari were presented before the court on Friday, while Bhavojit Sen was arrested later. The court has placed all three under police custody for five days.