In an ongoing encounter between terrorists and security forces, two terrorists were gunned down in central Kashmir’s Srinagar district, the police said on Thursday. A joint cordon and search operation was launched by the Police and the Army yesterday evening in Nowgam area.The Police added that the security officials acted on specific information generated by them regarding the presence of terrorists in Dangerpora area of Nowgam.
“During the search operation, as the joint search party approached towards the suspected spot, the hiding terrorists fired indiscriminately upon the joint search party which was retaliated effectively leading to an encounter,” Police said.In the ensuing encounter, two terrorists were killed and their bodies were retrieved from the site of encounter. They have been identified as Aijaz Rasool Najar of Pulwama and Shahid Ahmad alias Abu Hamza.
“As per Police records, both the killed terrorists were categorised terrorists and were linked with proscribed terror outfit Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind. Both the killed terrorists were involved in several terror crime cases, including attacks on Police/security forces and civilian atrocities. Besides, they were also involved in recent attack on an non-local labourer namely Muneer-ul-Islam of West Bengal on September 2, 2022, at Ugergund Newa area of Pulwama,” Police added.Incriminating materials, arms and ammunition, including one AK-series rifle, two pistols and one grenade were recovered from the site of encounter.(With inputs from agencies)